What do we want? Memes! How do we want 'em? Fresh AF! These dank memes have been carefully selected from Reddit's newest material so that you can enjoy the best of the fresh without having to make an effort. Or check out these dank Anti-Vaxxer memes that will have you rolling on the floor. Because who wants to take the time to click a few buttons to reach the homepage. But for those couch-dwellers that are unable to separate themselves from the upholstery, here you go, a fresh steaming pile of dankness. And unfortunately I mean the internet satire kind, and not the reefer you wish you could wake and bake with. But to get over your disappointment, we have Cheezeburger's favorite memes of the week, brought to you directly by you, the users. So check out the fruits of all of your labors, maybe one of them can be claimed by you and lorded over your friends until the next list comes out. Or just try to use these dank memes to kill the pain you've been hiding inside for so long.