This older couple could not handle being called out for not driving properly. By not driving properly, we mean simply stopping in the middle of the street, an act that would make anyone honk at you. However, this delivery driver didn't realize when he honked that he would end up being confronted and intimidated by an older Karen and Kevin couple who refused to acknowledge that they were the problem.
Despite their frustration at being captured on camera, the New Jersey delivery driver filmed everything and shared it online. The encounter escalated to the point that a bystander had to intervene in order to diffuse the tension. How did these people not realize that by confronting the driver, they were only making their case worse? But clearly, Karens and Kevins like these two do not care about optics! It's not in their DNA. For more videos like this, feel free to take a look at this amusing one about a mysterious second-floor entry to a million-dollar home in Florida.
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