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28-year-old woman refuses to babysit her sister’s 3 brat kids so she could go on a several weeks long “babymoon” with her new 62-year-old boyfriend: ‘She went off on a rant, calling me heartless’

  • "AITA for refusing to babysit my sisters kids for several weeks while she is on a ‘babymoon’ with her boyfriend"

    Cheezburger Image 10464156416
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  • My, (28F) sister Jamie (38F) has 3 kids, Melanie (11F), Sara (8F) and Carl (5M) with her ex-husband, whom she divorced six months ago due to her cheating, with her current boyfriend, Daniel (62M). Jamie's kids are absolute brats, and last time they came over, three years ago, Melanie smashed a
  • vase and Sara scribbled on my Uggs with permanent marker. This was when I decided to become childfree. I also decided to distance myself from them, though I do speak to them and we do have occasional 'family dinners' at my aunts place.
  • Anyways, Jamie and Daniel are expecting a child, a boy, and they decided to go on a babymoon, which will happen in a week, and they are not very wealthy (Jamie spent nearly all of her money on the trip, and Daniel will work double shifts till then and after the babymoon to support both of
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  • Cheezburger Image 10464156928
  • them) so they did not hire a babysitter. Yesterday, Jamie unexpectedly called me, and asked if I could babysit her kids. I said no, as I have been getting a degree online, and I have to fly to where my university is for my graduation ceremony. At first, she tried
  • to persuade me, saying her kids are 'absolute darlings' and I 'won't even notice they are there'. I said that my answer was still the same, and then she went off in a rant and called me all kinds of sh, like that I'm a 'heartless
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  • Cheezburger Image 10464157184
  • b I who can't have a little compassion for her poor, pregnant sister '. I told her that if she wants somebody to work for her for free, she can actually get a job and not sleep with men who are literally old enough
  • to be her father in the hopes that they are rich. She hung up, and is now bombarding me with texts begging me to reconsider. I am beginning to feel a bit guilty. Should I have been nicer to Jamie. AITA?
  • sofia_lee12 NTA. You are under no obligation to babysit your nieces and nephews, especially when it's for an extended period and you have your own commitments. Your sister's behavior is unreasonable and disrespectful.
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  • aspidistraeliator Why can't she leave them with their daddy?
  • GirthinessThinking 18 NTA. Their complete lack of planning does not constitute your emergency. Anyone who says you need to be more empathetic should have the script flipped. Why isn't everyone more empathetic towards YOU?
  • Status-Software4467 NTA. Babysitting is a big ask, especially for weeks, and you have a legit reason. Her financial situation and choices aren't your responsibility.
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  • totallynotcrabppl ΝΤΑ Your sister is the AH for expecting you to watch her kids for her while they have a holiday
  • NobodybutmyshadowRed I agree with sofia_lee12 - you have no obligation to do this, unpaid and for an extended period of time. This goes triple when you are asked on short notice.
  • In addition to her children not being absolute darlings, there is no way that you won't notice having 3 children in the house. That's complete nonsense - you'll have to feed them, get them to school, put them to bed, make them do their homework, clean their clothes, etc., etc. I suppose
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  • that you will be expected to pay all their expenses, like their food. If you are listening to lectures during your online course, I imagine that you can expect interruptions. What are you supposed to do with them when you fly to the graduation, buy them all tickets? Pay to put them up in a hotel?
  • They should have thought of all this and considered hiring a baby sitter to be part of the expenses of the trip. Don't feel any guilt- congratulations on getting your degree.
  • pintobeanscornbread NTA. Not at all. I wouldn't do it even if you didn't have to fly to graduate. But you worked for that graduation and deserve to go Sister is entitled and selfish and the AH. Do not miss out on your own graduation.
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  • Rose_loves_BSH These kids have a dad she can ask him. Although your sister probably burnt her bridges with him due to her cheating. Her poor planning is not your problem. NTA
  • klmoran Nta. She created her circumstances and it's her problem. Nobody would want to look after any kids for a few weeks too.
  • broadsharp2 ΝΤΑ "I told her that if she wants somebody to work for her for free, she can actually get a job and not sleep with men who are literally old enough to be her father in the hopes that they are rich". This is hilarious! Your sister's poor life choices are not your responsibility to clean up.
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  • Kind-Jackfruit-6315 "Babymoon." 62M and 38F. What planet is this...? NTA. Or possibly YTA for making this up. Who knows.
  • Salty_Reputation_163 The fact she's trying to railroad and guilt trip you into it tells me her kids are probably rotten and no one else she knew would take them, so YOU are the last resort. What empathy does she show YOU, anyway? Tell her to stay home and deal with her own Crotch Goblins. Babymoon, indeed


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