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20 new employees share what made them quit their job on the first day: 'By the way we never mentioned it at the interview but you will get 50 percent pay for 6 months'

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    "We're like a family here.' Bro, my family doesn't make me clean a bathroom for $12 an hour."

    The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.

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    "People who quit their jobs on the first day, what made you say, 'I’m done with this'?"

    Hour_Equal_9588 · 4h ago When i saw that the microwave was coin operated
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    UniverseBear • 3h ago It was a food truck owned by this Russian dude. His cash register was so convoluted. He'd be like "to sell hotdog push burger, then subtract 2 sodas and a small fry." Then he just left me alone. It was overwhelming and I just didn't come back.
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    ntmrkd1 3h ago I was laid off from my first job back when I was in high school due to the housing crisis in the 00s. I was a dishwasher at a restaurant. When new management took over, they offered everyone their old jobs back, and I accepted. I tried to take my CD player that I had left there before the layoff home with me, and I was told that I was
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    stealing as it was company property since it was there when they took over. Everyone in the kitchen attested that it was my CD player, but the new manager wouldn't hear of it, so I just walked out with it. I was called later that night by HR telling me I was fired for stealing company property. guess I didn't quit, but I was going to do it anyway.
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    too_many_shoes14 . 4h ago I was between jobs and got a temp job helping with payroll and they told me I would have to hold paychecks for people who did not return their uniform and when I pointed out this was illegal (and showed them the law) they said to do it anyway so I quit and went back on unemployment until I found a real job 3 weeks later. Quitting a job because they want you to break the law gets you unemployment in most States.
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    Tambi_B2 2h ago • Line job in a factory that assembled magazines. Because of all the paper sliding along the tracks, little bits would gum up the gears and they wanted us to reach inside and pull out all the wads of paper scrap about once an hour while someone MANUALLY held down a button that paused the machine from moving. Refused, clocked out for lunch and left.
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    . Sarge1387 2h ago I remember starting a job at a call centre for a particular company that has such a bad reputation, they need to change their name every so often. They were they were telling us how we have 7 minutes alotted for "personal time" like bathroom breaks. There was one bathroom in the building, WAY down at the other end of the on our first
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    fifteen minute break, I walked to it..Took 4.5 minutes to get there. So when we came back from break I asked "so what happens if you go over the alotted time?" And the trainer goes "well then the mintues are tracked and deducted from your pay"...I got up and walked towards the door and the guy goes "see that's an example of complete unprofessionalism,
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    and that's ok this type of job isn't for quitters"...I spun around and went "I can handle the job, chucklef k. What I won't do is degrade myself by working for a place that monitors how long it takes you to sh"
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    f kfuturism • 3h ago I was a Cold caller trying to solicit donations for an organization. Called a guy. His widow answered the phone saying he had recently passed. Supervisor said I should try and get the widow to make a donation. I was done.
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    i... • 2h ago Edited 16m ago . "15% of our female employees have reported harassment in the workplace" - shipping company *this guy was right it was actually 25% working at shmed ex
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    Panda_Mon • 2h ago Basic restaurant server job, I was in college. The drive was kinda long, and as a college student that matters a lot. I was mostly getting a job due to feeling like I was inadequate if I didn't have one. So I go buy the black clothes required and show up. But the clothes weren't black enough, due to having
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    a gray lining around the button-up shirt's collar and cuffs on the inside of the shirt. It barely peeked through under certain angles. They told me to leave and come back when the clothes fit their requirements. So I drove back to campus, called them up, and quit on the phone. It was just way too much BS to deal with and did not bode well.
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    Happy5Day • 3h ago The oh 'By the way we never mentioned it at the interview but you will get 50 percent pay for 6 months till your trial period is over'. I was half way into my first shift when they sprang that on me. I turned around and walked out. No discussion. Didn't say a word. Just left.
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    OPMom21 3h ago . I was assigned to a middle school grade 6 as a student teacher. I was supposed to be under the guidance of the classroom teacher. She was all too willing to let me be in complete charge and told me I could just do "whatever." I called my faculty advisor and requested to be reassigned. The next day I was at a different school with a teacher who knew what she was doing.
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    throwthrowthrow... • 4h ago I got an offer with one of the largest UK banks. Heard nothing for 3 months. Then they text me on the starting day expecting me in the office at 8am. I'd chased them multiple times over the 3 months. Technically quit on the starting day but never really started.
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    mangococom · 3h ago When the manager said, 'We're like a family here!' Bro, my family doesn't make me clean a bathroom for $12 an hour.
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    • jimicus 3h ago Not quite the first day (I have a mortgage), but: Been through the entire interview process: small payrise plus quite a generous company pension. All confirmed in writing. "Cool!" thinks I. Leave my existing job and start at the new place.
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    A week or two in, HR does their induction. And the "generous" company pension doesn't exist. It's statutory minimum. Obviously I raise this, because that's not what I signed up for. The answer comes back: "Tough, that's the pension". Er... excuse me, but we agreed in writing that it wasn't. "Don't care; that's the pension". They were astonished when I put in my resignation about a month later.
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    someguyfromsk • 2h ago It started with the guy saying "I told him he should have just hired you when you dropped off your resume" (first red flag) Then at coffee break and lunch all everyone did was b and complain. I finished the day but it was such an angry place with high turnover it didn't seem worth it to continue.
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    NewRazzmatazz1... 11h ago Interviewed for a position. and they outlined everything I would be doing. Got there the first day and discovered that I would be doing none of it. Fortune 50 company no less.
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    Embarrassed_Hal... . 3h ago I was a GM car salesman half a day. Family of 5 come in and settle on a Pontiac Catalina. Sales manager told me to squeeze another $275.00 from them. I went to family, cut $500 from the contract, turned it in and sent them home in a new ride. Told sales mgr I was done and left..
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    What_The_Frak19... • 3h ago Oh you're on call so whenever we need you, no matter where you are if we call you you have to come in.
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    maximumkush · 4h ago Only one time it was the actual work. It was wayyy too physical for me, I just didn't see myself exhausting myself daily and the other time was a manager. The hiring manager was cool af but the shift manager was a so I left same day
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