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Disclaimer: This image is for illustration only, and the subjects are models; the image does not depict the actual subjects of the story.
Well, as this canine compadre quickly found out, yes cats are that smart. In fact, they are smart enough to know when it is worth their while to interact with hoomans and when it serves them better to do their own thing. That is what makes so many hoomans consider cats to be aloof weirdos who have little to no brain capacity. Not to say that there aren’t more than a few single brain celled derps knocking around, but overall, it is safe to say that cats are clever.
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Disclaimer: This image is for illustration only, and the subjects are models; the image does not depict the actual subjects of the story.
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This is a purrfect example of a hooman who properly cares for their cat child and invests in their education, reaping the rewards of an incredibly intelligent feline fur baby. It does not happen often, much like those plants that only bloom once every ten years under perfect conditions. But when it does happen, it is simply marvelous and magical. How lucky do you have to be as a cat pawrent to no longer need a litter box.
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