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'I was a third wheel on the vacation that I planned': Mother-in-law crashes a woman's romantic child-free couple's cruise with her husband, effectively ruining the vacation celebrating their anniversary

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  • "AITA for telling my husband the entire vacation was ruined?"

    I, 35 F, planned a cruise for my husband, 35 M, and myself to celebrate his birthday and our wedding anniversary. I spent 3 months planning and coordinating with my parents so someone could stay with our 2 school aged children so we could enjoy a solo trip. Having my
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  • parent fly over 8 hours to stay with them and another to pick us up on FL at the airport. We traveled from the SW USA to FL and boarded the ship. As soon as we got to our room to store our carry on bags my MIL calls. She excitedly explains that she and her husband are ON the ship. My mood instantly
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  • shifts, this is not someone who I have a good or close relationship with at all. Husband is active duty so vacations are not something that is regularly happening or are easy to plan. I let him know I wasn't thrilled but he was excited to see his mom.
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  • That was the only time I addressed the situation, kept my mouth shut and was cordial for 7 full days as I was a third wheel on the vacation that I planned. We spent the bulk of the trip with MIL as her husband wasn't feeling well, lots of other things left out but I think I mentioned
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  • most of the main points. The day after we made it home I did have an attitude and let my husband know how truly upset I was and he went off on me stating that his mother did nothing wrong. But he can see where I could be
  • upset. Am I the ah le for being upset that my vacation was crashed and in my opinion completely ruined? ETA: this blew up faster than I could have anticipated, I'm adding notes for clarity
  • 1. MIL was NEVER invited. 2. I planned a trip for my husband and myself to celebrate both our anniversary and his birthday since they are in the same week.
  • 3. MIL was aware of the trip as we were excited about it and had no reason to hide it. Who would assume someone would just show up on a couples child free trip?
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  • 4. Husband was not aware prior to the trip that MIL had bought tickets to come on the ship with us.
  • 5. I addressed me not being happy immediately after knowing she was on the trip, his excitement outweighed my disappointment at the time. His words
  • CommaFactor NTA and this is a big ole red flag. This kind of behavior your husband has exhibited always grinds my gears because it makes it clear that he sees his parents as more his family than you. If my partner planned a cruise for me, on the long list of things that
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  • would run through my mind that ld be excited about, seeing my parents isnt anywhere on the list. Stand your ground on this one. He needs to respect the concept that you two have a relationship outside his mommy.
  • dryadduinath Either his mother did nothing wrong, in which case your husband invited her to your vacation without telling you and he is the AH, or his mother crashed your vacation and your husband let her, in which case they are both AHs. Either way calling you up after you board the ship to let you know they're already there is creepy af.
  • Kittehkat- Um, no. His mother did something wrong either way. Crashed or invited a grown woman knows better than to invade someone's anniversary trip. That's not appropriate AT ALL.
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  • Winteraine78 A grown woman should know better than to invite herself onto what is obviously meant to be a romantic trip. She knew it was too because she didn't surprise you with that news before coming out or even at the airport, she waited until she was
  • on board. She most likely check with the cruise company as soon as you told her to see if there were rooms left and booked it then, she's had plenty of time to let you know her plan. Your MIL isn't the only AH here either. Your husband should
  • have told her that her crashing the cruise was weird and they could hang out occasionally but this was a trip for the two of you.


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