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The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
Despite being the younger sibling in the family, this 25-year-old was often considered the most responsible person in their immediate circle (that includes her parentS). Her older sister, who clearly does this out of some sort of a defense mechanism, frequently refers to her younger sibling as “Mom Junior” and even more recently as the family “buzzkill.” The younger sister usually brushed off these “jokes,” but after a while, their mean-spirited nature started to eclipse any genuine attempt at being funny. By the time the older sister made a similar joke about the 25-year-old during her wedding speech, it was inevitable that things were going to hit the fan.
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The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
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Several members of this online community weighed in with support for the younger sibling. Many told her that not only was she not at fault here, but also that she was more than justified in her decision to storm out of a wedding where she was the punchline of yet another unnecessary joke. Here's what these folks had to say!
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