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Feeling overwhelmed by the realization that she now had the lives of several small puppies in her hands, she turned to the internet in hopes of help. Luckily the intrepid veterinary experts of the internet were on hand to give our hero all the information she needed to make an informed decisions about her rescued canine’s health. It is in these moments that we must acknowledge how lucky we are to have helpful hoomans hanging out on the internet.
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Well, this is truly a shocking one. As if it is not jarring enough to unwittingly come across a canine in need while out for a walk by the lake, but then to discover that said canine is pregnant, and that you did not just save one delightful doggo, but a whole litter as well. Well, that is a lot to stomach. Thank goodness they did not spay her straight away.
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Disclaimer: This image is for illustration only, and the subjects are models; the image does not depict the actual subjects of the story.
Now, this is what the internet is all about. Hoomans helping hoomans with no need for payment or retribution. Simply for the good nature of helping one and other. This vet tech has sure given our hero a lot to think about with the various options available to them now. And as we know information is power, we hope that our hero uses this power to properly care for this cute pupper momma.
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