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Employee stops taking on additional tasks to help the management team after being forced to work mandatory overtime, leaving management completely overwhelmed: 'Management is drowning in them now'

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    "Stopped willingly taking on extra work and management is now drowning"

    I am a level 1 agent on a team of about 25 people. We receive messages from other departments daily requesting assistance or completion of tasks. The tasks are our department's responsibility, but it is also optional to handle them, as it's not our main duty. If no one handles them, management has to take care of them.
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    I've been going above and beyond for the last year or so and taking on these additional tasks, and I'm one of the only people on my team to do so. I've been praised for this by management and it has helped me secure an interview in the past for a promotion (I didn't get the promotion due to limited number of openings, but still very cool that I was considered).
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    A couple weeks ago they announced mandatory overtime for the next couple months due to high volume, but it's really just incompetence on leadership's part and understaffing. I've been quite stressed out so I stopped helping with the additional tasks altogether. And I guess I didn't realize how many I was doing, because management is DROWNING in them
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    now. They're having a really hard time keeping up with them. They typically didn't handle these tasks at all, since me and a couple other team members. would pick them up all the time. But now that I've stopped (and so have the other couple people on my team who were doing them regularly), they're completely overwhelmed with them. and are spending most of their time working on them.
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  • 08
    It's wonderful to see, and I don't think I will ever willingly carry my whole department like I did before. F them.
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    Hoon0967 3h ago Good for you friend! Sometimes when you stand up for yourself you're standing up for others as well and can encourage them to follow your example. Keep it up!
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    helio2002pt 3h ago That is the way.
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    Bulky-Internal8579 3h ago That's lovely! Well done! Maybe they'll wake up and recognize your value of one of these days.
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    Watching Telly Now • 1h ago I see you, I hear you, I feel you.
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    Rabbits AteMySnowpeas 1h ago Somewhere, out in the vastness of the cosmos, a diminutive violin is being played for management...
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    tdomman · 2h ago I hope the end of your second paragraph was sarcasm. Sounds like they're stringing you along.


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