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The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
And how could they possibly? Constantly monitoring your staff is almost always a complete waste of time and a full-time job on its own, and they definitely have other things they should be doing… right? Any attempts to "understand" are just invasive, overbearing, and micromanaging processes that actually just hamper the productivity of their staff. It's a bit like the “observer effect” in physics; you often can't observe something without significantly impacting its function or energy levels—and you can't observe staff without significantly interfering with their work and energy levels, too.
- 02
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
This worker had been taking on more and more work, really going “above and beyond” in their contributions. But the more they took on, the more there was being given to them, so things just slowly escalated over time. So, when the company started pushing mandatory overtime to cover the chronic understaffing, it became impossible for them to keep up with what they had been doing. Their return to their “normal" work volumes saw management scrambling to keep up with their own work.
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"Stopped willingly taking on extra work and management is now drowning"
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