This whole situation of becoming the defacto carer of an irresponsible child's pet that you never wanted is the reason why parents and guardians are so resistant to getting the pets their children are requesting. Kids have a tendency to believe their current "want" is and will be the end-all most important thing in the world to them, but the next week, they're back to playing Fortnite and have forgotten all about the parakeet in the corner of their room.
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So, the parents know that they're ultimately going to end up with the responsibility of caring for whatever animal the kid wants to get, meaning it has to be something that they're willing and able to care for.
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That's pretty much how this woman came to be responsible for her sister-in-law's pet snake. Except, well, her sister-in-law isn't her child, and she's not her parent, so it shouldn't really fall on her to be responsible for it in the first place.
On the one hand, the sister-in-law might still be in high school, but on the other hand, she is already eighteen and legally an adult, and there are certain responsibilities that a child can shirk but an adult can't… Speaking of shirking responsibilities… why did her husband agree to “co-owning” the snake, and where is he in all of this?
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"AITA for telling my SIL I’m done taking care of her snake?"
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