- 01
"Our eponimous hero hitting rock bottom after a tough 2024, will he make it out of this slump?"
Our hero sets off on a journey of self discovery the likes of which has never been seen in the feline world. He goes through highs and lows, toos and fros, piece by piece, learning how he wants to live his life and what it is that makes him happy. He goes through many challenges but is resilient in his efforts and does not give up. His story is one of inspiration, failure and middling success, but one of pride and productivity too. We hope he inspires you to go after the things that you truly want in life too.
- 02
"He firgued that trying to get a new job might help him get on the road to recovery"
- 03
"But after sending 100s of awwplications he was left feeling rejected and turned to catnip to self-soothe"
- 04
"In his catnip contemplation he thought that purrhaps he would have a better chance of finding a job if he was more extroverted."
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"So he set off on a journey of self discovery, starting far away from any people and constantly edging towards becoming more and more social"
- 06
"By this lake our feline hero found some peace and mananged to meditate upon his quest. This was the turning point for his trip."
- 07
"While out by the lake our hero met his first friend, a friendly fisherman names Fred. The encounter was incredibly awkward but at least he put himself out there."
- 08
"Upon arriving in the town of Cat, he began his socialization journey."
Well, it is truly a special skill to manage to set bread alight in an oven, but if it were to be someone it would likely be this crazy catto who makes it happen. But it is hard to fully blame him for this unfortunate happening. He was obviously too focused on trying to make friends rather than watching over the baked good.
- 09
"When hunger struck, he was in luck, becuase the town of Cat actually had a McDonalds. He still used the self service machine to order instead of talking to an employee, but at least he was out and about, amongst people."
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"While chomping down on his nuggets, he heard a rumble going down in the car park outside and had to take a look at the drama that was unfolding."
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"After the rumble in the car park of the McDonald's calmed down, our feline friend headed to his home for the night to take part in an online baking class. He figured that he might make some online friends."
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"However, things too a turn for the worse, when the oven set alight after he incorrectly set the temparature and his bread burst into flames."
- 13
"Having failed at the baking class, he tired his hand at sleight of hand, which did not go all too well either..."
Your heart really does go out to this failing feline. He has put in the effort, put himself out there, and the universe just keeps on finding ways to put him down. But we support you dear feline in your quest to become more extroverted and hope that by the end of your day you will find yourself with at least one friend…
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"At this point the McDonald's he had earlier in the day began to take revenge upon his stomach and an elongated trip to the bathroom was in order."
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"With extra space in his stomach, he indulged in the delights of a taco."
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"He then headed out to the local gym, once again hoping to find firends or at least someone to spot him. However things got derailed the moment he found out the gym had pizza..."
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"With a belly full of food, he headed out once more to a local club where he put his faith in the lords of dance that he could find a partner who would dance his way."
- 18
"But after not being able to understand word of what was being said he was left alone and turned to food to numb the pain."
- 19
"On his way home he took in some DIY youtube videos and decided it would be a good opporunity to try and take on a home project he had been putting off for a while."
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"Once his DIY project was finished and still considered a health hazard, he slumped in his arm chair to take in a movie to take his mind off his hard day."
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