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So whether you find something that you can directly use in your life, or are simply inspired by the healthy nature of these cute cats approaches to speaking their mind. We hope that in some way, shape or form you find some solace in the outspoken felines that are coming your way. Such that the next time you need to say what is weighing on you, you will have the words, or the meme, to do so.
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Now, this is one healthy feline fur baby. While it can come across as rather crass, the ability to express your need to be alone is important such that you do not let the feelings you need to process alone fester. So big up little man for sticking to your plan.
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While it is lovely that this catto can express himself so eloquently, it is also rather out of place and somewhat disturbing that his interest is in consuming us. After all, a cat child will already be responsible for eating your checks from work, is that not enough to satisfy their hunger?
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