There are lots of situations that can occur at a concert that can be very inconvenient, but you kind of just have to deal with it. Getting stuck behind a tall person who refuses to relocate, you kind of just have to deal with it. It's not their fault they're tall and they paid for a ticket just as much as you did. It's very annoying to you, since your view is blocked now, but that's the gamble you roll when going to a concert. However, when there is a person standing in front of you that is holding something completely unnecessary that is blocking your view, like an umbrella, sign, or flag, then, by golly, you are 100% entitled to get rowdy. Heck, grab that thing out of their hands and let them know how selfish they are being.
Or do what this tall guy did and just give them a dose of their own medicine. (of course, you have to be tall to do that…) In this situation, a woman decided that the world's largest umbrella was the appropriate item to bring to an outdoor concert. Sure, everyone going to an outdoor concert knows to prepare for any weather, but in a self-aware way! Like, bring a poncho NOT a big af umbrella… That's common knowledge, I fear…
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Concert etiquette might have to be learned by attending concerts, but it's pretty easy to pick up after your first one. If you go to a concert and only think about yourself, you should not go to concerts. Just stay home. The point of going to live music is to hear the music live and enjoy it with like-minded people. It's not a private performance for you just because you think you're a bigger fan or whatever. Come on, we live in a society. When you are at concert, by all means, enjoy yourself, but make sure you aren't ruining anyone else's night. Don't flail your arms like you're in a hardc0re posh pit when you're at a jazz fusion show, don't ever kick when you crowd surf, and don't scream along to the songs at an acoustic show. Like, are you serious? You HAVE to know this…
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
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