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And bubble up to the surface things have for this feline fur baby, who has developed a cute compulsion to munch on his mother’s hair each and every night in the hopes of one day becoming the greatest hair stylist the hooman world has ever seen. The only problem being that with it being night time, and her mom being asleep, she is unable to see so well nor is she able to style whole of her mother’s head. But you know what they say, you have got to use the tools that you have available to you in this life.
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Wow, that is no small amount of hair right here. That is the kind of damage that is usually caused by an unfortunate mishap with chewing gum and is cried about for weeks on end. Worse still that this would happen to someone while they sleep. While at their most vulnerable moment.
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"The weirdo we are speaking of"
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Having awwpriecited the clawminal cat behind the act, it is plain to see why this pawrent has put up with these antics up to this point. This cute cat child is simply to sweet looking to get mad at, especially as it was not a physical form of feline feistiness. But after it happens a few nights in a row, you can imagine the mental toll that such an act has. Very devious clawminality indeed.
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"She’s my evil babygirl"
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"She also steals my coffee"
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