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Hissterically hangry feline child munches mom’s hair while she sleeps every night, comments claim the cat was framed: ‘Looks innocent to me’

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    'Why is my cat obsessed with gnawing off chunks of my hair while I sleep?'
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  • 02
    Yall...please help me in this strange situation
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    My cat is obsessed with eating my hair. The third pic is from the first time she ever chewed off a major chunk of hair, this was sometime last year while I was asleep. I didn't
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    feel anything while it was happening. I woke up to some DIY curtain bangs courtesy of my 2 year old cat.
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    The first 2 pics are from yesterday. She again chewed off a major chunk of my hair while I was asleep in bed. Today, I
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    wake up AGAIN to her actively chewing on my hair. I lost another little chunk that is not pictured here.
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    What's even stranger as well, is that she is obsessed with licking and chewing on my hair brush too. I have to put it out of reach so she can't do it.
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    And when I clean my hair brush (like pick out the old hair that's in the brush) and throw it in the trash can, she will knock over the trash can to get to the hair so she can eat it. I'm not even joking.
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    What is this behavior? I have 2 other cats in the house as well. She is the youngest. I'm gonna either start wearing a sleeping cap to bed, or just locking her out of the room at night. Why
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    would a cat obsessively want to eat my hair? Is this out of affection? Boredom? Some nutrient deficiency or something? I have no idea. I plan on
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    taking her to the vet soon for this, but wanted some other opinions going into this and to see if anyone else has experienced this before.
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    "The weirdo we are speaking of"

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    CompetitiveFox4402 Not the midnight barber 565 ◇ Reply
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    New_Assi... You're going to have to wear a bonnet Cats are a little weird sometimes.
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    Mobile-U... I'm so sorry I shouldn't but I laughed out loud. Ha ha ha ha ha The only sensible suggestion I can make don't let her in the bedroom or wear a bonnet. But ha ha ha ha haaaa
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    ExtinctFauna Cats often have a condition called pica, which is the act of eating/chewing things that are inedible. Your cat, for reasons only your cat knows, has chosen your hair as a fixation. Basically keep your hair away from your cat. Cover it, wear a bonnet, keep brushes in drawers, etc.
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    That_Illustrator240 Top 1% Commenter OMg I'm not the only one!!!!!!! My cat likes to groom me at 3 am. I just pull the sheets over my head and she goes away. Nothing else has worked.
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    "She’s my evil babygirl"

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    "She also steals my coffee"



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