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Entitled family starts trash-talking 28-year-old woman in the elevator in French, not knowing she's fluent: 'I could understand everything they were saying'

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    "He made a r*de comment in French in front of me, thinking I couldn't understand... but I did"

    I (F28) live in a 50-floor high-rise building, in downtown Vancouver. I just got back from a sweet sunset run. A family entered the building with me, and held the door for me. They were speaking
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    French together, but I thanked them in English, the main language here in British Columbia. We all walked towards the elevators and ended up all in the same one.
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    It was a couple and their three kids, all boys around 8-10 years old. I am bad with ages, but they were the age of being able to speak and think enough to
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    understand what is "right" and "wrong". They were chatting in French, and since it's my mother- tongue, I could understand everything they were saying.
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    900 "
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    As we were going up more than 30floors, (it takes a little time) the dad turned to his kids and asked:
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    - "Alors, elle est belle ou pas belle?" "So, is she pretty, or not pretty?"
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    My brain suddenly froze, thinking, could he speak about me?
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    One of the kids quickly responded: - "Pas belle." "Not pretty."
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    I stopped breathing for a sec, realizing now fully, that it was truly me they were blatantly judging right in front of me.
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    I froze, sadly, that's mostly how I react when situations are just unbelievable.
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    With just a few floors left before I could escape the awkwardness, I had a choice to make: let it go (nooope) or seize this once-in-a- lifetime opportunity for PERFECT
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    linguistic revenge. I'm not the confrontational type, but I couldn't let this slide. I wasn't the one deserving to feel awkward in this elevator.
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    I kept my cool, though, and as I exited the elevator, I turned back and said with the most sassy French accent I could give: - - "Bonne soirée." / "Have a good evening."
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    The look on their faces? Ab-so- lu-te-ly priceless. I left quickly, but in hindsight, I wish I'd made direct eye contact until the doors closed.
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    I've dealt with r de comments before, but this moment was chef's kiss. I've always dreamed of a situation like this where I could use another language to
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    surprise someone who thought I couldn't understand them. I'm just saying, but keep your language skills to yourself, you never know when it can become handy! Learning multiple languages is 100% worth it just for bamboozling people like that!
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    The mom stood there silently the whole time, almost like she wasn't really present. I couldn't help but wonder if she faces this kind of behaviour from him too.
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    There are a few Airbnbs in my building, so I'm guessing they were tourists. I never saw them again (unfortunately, no chance for a second revenge!).
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    Texastexastexas1 • 2d ago I wish you'd said "And yall are not exactly what I'd call handsome."
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    pip-whip . The fact that you called them out while being polite was the best part of this. They went low. You went high.
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    Live-Motor-4000 . What kinda dumb muppet thinks French is a secret language in effin Canada of all places - I know It's OP's mother tongue - but it's a bilingual country. French people have told me that French Canadian sounds like old time talk, with all their religious swear words - tabernac!


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