Making the decision to go "no contact" with a family member as a fully grown adult is obviously not for the faint of heart. It takes guts to stand up for yourself to tell a so-called "authority figure" in your life that the way in which they are behaving is unfair and unacceptable.
Most of the time, when family members get to this point of no return, they have already tried everything. Confrontations lead to failed progress. Failed progress leads to the same mistakes happening over and over again, which only leads to more counterproductive confrontations. The cycle can only continue for so long.
This is not to support every single "no contact" scenario, as all families are different. However, if you have ended up in a situation like this relatively new mother did with her stepmom, planting your foot in the ground may be the only viable option.
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This image is for illustration only, and the subjects are models; the image does not depict the actual subjects of the story.
This woman's invasive stepmother Mary refused to stop giving gifts to her stepdaughter's kids after they went “no contact” over four years ago. Despite the stepdaughter's clear communication to her father that she did not want Mary involved in her kid's life for a myriad of reasons, Mary keeps finding opportunities to insert herself into their lives.
Talk about a ruined birthday party!
Most members of the community weighed in and felt that the woman was not in the wrong for donating Mary's gifts. After all, she is allowed to parent her children how she wants, and it has been made clear that Mary lost the privileges of being part of that inner circle a long time ago.
A few folks in the comments felt that the woman needed to come clean a bit about her past with Mary in order to give folks the full picture of the situation. She followed up with more of that complicated history in an update!
Here's what folks had to say about this new information!
Just when you thought this drama was over, Mary decided she wasn't done. Here's yet another update after Mary sent the kids unwanted Holiday gifts.
This image is for illustration only, and the subjects are models; the image does not depict the actual subjects of the story.
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