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This meme particularly strikes cat pawrents. I recall a time when I so desperately yearned for a cat of my own, but I lived in a doggy household where my idea for a cat-dog bestie friendship was refuted every single time. I know it was probably for the best (because a cat would be no match for my high-energy Maltese poodle,) but a girl can dream.
Instead, I'd walk down the treelined streets of my neighborhood in NYC and hope that the cats (strays and window-cattos alike) were out to play. Even though I now have an unhinged, one-brain-celled tuxedo cat of my own, I still get excited when I see the group of three indoor/outdoor cats on my stroll to work. If you're wondering—which you probably are—the cat street gang consists of two tuxedo cats and one tortie shell. One of these days, I'll pack my bag with some Churus and let the friendship-making magic happen. I suggest you do the same in your neighborhood, too—there's no such thing as too many cats. But, you knew that already!
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