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A Santa Sack Full of Parenting Memes for Moms and Dads Riding Out the Last Week of Winter Break

  • 01
    Satirical Mommy @Satirical Mommy You better not shout You better not cry SATIRICAL MOMMY You asked for this gift Then you changed your mind Santa Claus is... not a mind reader
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  • 02
    Emma Szewczak @EmmaSzewczak Nativity season is upon us! My son has been cast as a wise man. My daughter, on the otherhand - Nativity and costumes Inbox x 12:16 (2 hours ago) B to me▾ Good afternoon, We have started preparations for our nativity! We are all really looking forward to seeing it come together and know your child will be excited, too! Your child has been cast as a door. This role will be interactive. Please could their costume be brought into school by November 25th. Their costumes c
  • 03
    Simon Holland → @simoncholland Think you are chill and laid back? Watch your kid build and decorate a gingerbread house without intervening.
  • 04
    Me listening to my kids wish list, knowing full well they aren't getting any of it -Salixical Mamm
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  • 05
    When my husband suggests a spending limit this holiday season SATIRICAL MOMMY good one!
  • 06
    When my kids tell me Christmas is easy for moms because Santa does all the work Spicydisastermama
  • 07
    @dad_hard Fair warning to anyone Christmas shopping for my kids - give my child a musical instrument and I will buy you the youngest, healthiest parrot money can. buy.
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  • 08
    Whitney Ballard @WhitneyBallard_ : Buying gifts for your kids is tough because you want to give them the world...but you also don't want them to be entitled...but you want to spoil them a little...but you also don't want to give them "too much"...but you also want them to feel super special...but also grateful...
  • 09
    Not the Santa @not_thenanny Watching Home Alone for the first time in 20 years and the most @NOT_THENANNY implausible plot point is that the McCallisters would oversleep until 8am with that many kids in the house.
  • 10
    Jen Hirst @jenleehirst Christmas time is great because you can shout "Don't come in here!" and people assume you're wrapping presents, instead of just wanting to be left alone.
  • 11
    Parents: "Just one good smile for the holiday photo!" Every kid in the world: @alyceoneword
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  • 12
    Wife: Tell me what you want for Christmas! Me: I can't think of anything because I buy the things I want throughout the year like an adult! THE DAD
  • 13
    My toddler giving his cold to the rest of the family: YOU GET A VIRUS! AND YOU GET A VIRUS! EVERYONE GETS A VIRUS!
  • 14
    When your friends talking about buying their family Christmas gifts and you're putting water in your shampoo so it could last longer
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  • 15
    When you try to explain the Christmas present your kid wants is too expensive... When you realize you're going to get the present for them anyway... PARENTNORMAL.COM
  • 16
    Simon Holland @simoncholland 600 Thoughts and prayers for the rival dad. across the street who just missed trash pickup 3 days before Christmas.
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    Marcy G @BunAndLeggings The only way to stop eating these Christmas cookies is to eat them all
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  • 18
    Marcy G @BunAndLeggings My husband said it would be easier if we had a Christmas house that we moved into in December instead of taking all these decorations out
  • 19
    @dad hard Dads get stereotyped as not being involved in Christmas shopping which is totally unfair because my wife hasn't even told me what gifts I'm getting for everybody yet.
  • 20
    @dad hard Oh don't cry, I know posing for a picture on a stranger's lap is kinda creepy but what if I told you this stranger is magic and he watches you day and night.
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  • 21
    @dad_hard My family has an annual Secret Santa tradition where my relatives try to guess which of my kids gave everybody a respiratory virus.
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    @dad_hard (scoops up the crying child I haven't paid attention to in hours as I drink with my siblings) "Hey bud when's the last time you went potty?" ~ me, modeling empathy
  • 23
    @dad_hard The best holiday tradition is when my wife and I finally sit down after Christmas is over and talk about how this year was too stressful and pretend that next year we'll simplify.
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  • 24
    @dad_hard The lights on the tree, the excitement from the kids, roasting all the people on the Christmas cards taped to my parents wall. Truly magical.
  • 25
    thehiddensnacksmama 6 I just listened to a song about how every day should be Christmas, but it's clear the singer isn't involved in making Christmas dinner or creating the holiday magic for the kids!


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