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'We live in a society': Karen leaves her cart behind a parked car and man in the car returns the favor, sparks discussion on the 'shopping cart theory'

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    199 U
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    We live in a society Last night I needed to charge my FEV at a grocery store. The charger was in use, but the charging space opened up and I snagged it. So I'm sitting in my car, freezing my a off, when a customer pushes her cart between my car and the one using the charger. I was watching closely because I had little else to do and I wanted to know if they dented my car. The person wedges the cart between the charger cable and my car, lifts one bag and a baguette out of it, and walks away. They
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    Mind you, they passed one cart coral walking from the store to my spot. Their car was only a few spots away from another cart coral. I was miffed. I got out of my car, took the cart, and rolled it behind their Mercedes S class. It was about 4 feet away. I waved, and walked back to my car. About 2 minutes later I see the cart rolling across the lot as the Benz backed up. Oops. Not actually my intention. Sorry not sorry.
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    Gamboh "The shopping cart theory is an internet meme which judges a person's ethics by whether they return a shopping cart to its designated cart corral or deposit area. The concept became viral online after a 2020 Internet meme which posits that shopping carts present a litmus test for a person's capability of self-control and governance, as well as a way to judge one's moral character. '
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  • 05
    katmndoo I had someone parked next to me load their groceries then park the cart behind my car. I did the same as you moved the cart where it - rightfully belonged - right behind their car. I really hope they scratched the crop out of their car when they backed up.
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    Helpful_Hat_836 bro i feel like this is some lowkey justice league behavior for grocery store etiquette violators. like, if ur gonna abandon the cart and ignore the coral 4 feet away, u deserve a little karmic tap on the benz. u didn't push the cart into em, it just found its way there... nature healing itself. respect
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    rositamaria1886 I was unloading my groceries from the cart into the side door of my car and a lady, who must have owned the car next to mine, yelled at me, Just What Do You Think You Are Doing???!!! I turned around and yelled right back, I'm putting groceries in MY CAR, are you doing? As I backed her up. Some people are so fg r de and don't look before they open their gd stupid mouths!
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  • 08
    Dear Efficiency_3616 people are so lazy nowadays. creating more work for others, selfish behavior hope that benz got scratched
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    Worldly-Wedding-7305 I think most of us have a familiar tale. My car was chug chugga chug running when it happened to me. Big chrome bumpers on that truck, so I just put it in reverse and pushed it to her car and pulled off... as I'm slowly leaving, I hear a wham and she got out screaming, looking for whatever AH left a cart behind her car. Karma did, sunshine.. karma.
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    sylviaca Stories like this make me want to keep a pack of zip ties in my car so I can try to attach the cart to their car somehow.
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    Speed Racer 1968 I had someone dive in front of us to get a parking spot at a grocery store in South Carolina near Hilton Head. When we came out, their car was still there (head to head with a car in the opposite space and vehicles on either side). I took cart and flipped it upside down behind theirs. I hope they had fun with that!
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    Kaper225555 I must use the electric mobility scooters to do any shopping. If I am by myself, it is a gamble if I actually get a charged cart in the store. So I usually only go shopping if my grandson is with me. (He goes into the store and brings one out to me. If there isn't one available, then we can't go shopping that day. ). Then he will drive the cart back into the store and plug it in to continue charging. But if I go by myself (sometimes I can't wait for him to go with me) then I have to
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    If there is no cart in the store, I'm in big trouble. I can't walk back out to the car without sitting down for a rest. But no stores have benches for me to sit on anymore. But if there are carts there, when I am done shopping, I have to leave the cart in the parking lot. There is no way I can drive the cart back
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    into the store and then walk back to my car. I just can't make that trip twice. But I always park the cart in the handicap space and make sure it isn't in the way of anyone trying to park there. And I figure that the people who need that cart are so happy when they see that there is one available for them!


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