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I would do horrible things for a basket of cheese curds right now. They are the perfect appetizer, if you ask me. They are hot, salty, chewy, and satisfying. Will they inevitably clog my arteries? Perhaps. Do I enjoy myself enough to justify that? You betcha. Midwestern food is all about prioritizing pleasure in the moment. You might pay for that tater tot casserole later, but right now, it's a symphony for the senses. You might regret downing that bowl of puppy chow at the holiday party, but while they're in your mouth, you are thanking the heavens. Midwesterners love comfort, and we're good at providing it.
We know how to get cozy and enjoy ourselves because so much of the year is spent hiding from the elements. You would get really good at making casseroles if you also had to face negative degrees of windchill. And you would wash it all down with a fresh batch of memes.