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There is nothing quite like the feeling of walking along the ancient magical halls of Hogwarts Castle, surrounded by Christmas decorations and knowing you are about to experience possibly the best meal of your entire year. Outside, you can see the snow falling on the Quidditch pitch, and can even see how the Great Lake is starting to freeze over. Alongside you, your two best friends are also eagerly walking, as all three of you can practically smell the food that is currently being prepared in the school's kitchen.
As soon as you get to the Great Hall, you sit at your house's table with the rest of your friends, and you try to listen to the Headmaster's toast and not have your thoughts wander to what presents you are going to find under the Christmas tree tomorrow morning. Finally, the talking is over, food is served, and you simply cannot wait a second longer…
While we cannot offer you that delicious Christmas dinner, we can offer you the hilarious memes down below, and even this magical discussion about the wonderful Weasley family, so from the bottom of our hearts – enjoy!