Insisting on specific gender roles for everyone around you is so foolish. I love being a feminine woman and wearing dresses, but I would never insist that every woman needs to wear dresses to look good. Yet, so many family structures are predicated on the idea that straying from prescribed gendered paths in any way will lead to unmitigated disaster. I have a friend whose parents were shamed for having kids "later in life," aka when they were 30 and 32 instead of in their early 20s. Why would they be shamed for something so normal? Because having strict gender norms and social rules are ways to control people so others around them will fall in line.
These gendered expectations harm women and men alike. The dad in this story took to Reddit to share how his traditional sister has been treating him for being the stay-at-home parent while his wife brings home the bacon. Let's just say he hasn't been treated kindly.
This image is for illustration only, and the subjects are models; the image does not depict the actual subjects of the story.