Cats are babies. No, obviously not like smol hoomans, but definitely like a… well, a baby. Cats are babies and we have purroof: we feed our cats and if we forget they cry, they demand candy at any given time, playtime is a very important part of the day, we clean their "business" all the time, cats are unaware of the mess they leave behind them, and they have cute and soft voices that can turn into a shrilling cry on demand. Also, they're teeny tiny smol creatures, so pawdorable. Do you see? Cats are babies, and that's indisputable.
Now that we've established this impawrtant piece of information, we need to move on to the other pressing matter at hand - cat memes. There are plenty of cat memes that demonstrate this cat pawrent state of mind, and explain how cats are babies even better than what we did here. Is your cat your baby? You've come to the right place.
Where's the phone? We need it to take a million pictures of our cat. Where's the wallet? We need to purchase a million treats for our cat. Where are the car keys? We need them so we can drive to the pet store. Wait… where's the cat?
Another indisputable purroof that cats are babies - this cat was in their hooman pawrent's tummy. He might've been there to try and steal some hooman food, but he was in a hooman tummy and came out - this cat is a baby.
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