Office workers and silly little email job havers of America, hold on tight. We are this close to the finish line of a four-day weekend. While for many people, this may simply look like swapping staring at their laptop for eight hours a day to arguing with family over the dinner table, at least it offers a change of scene. The thing about many jobs that so many employees find soul-crushing is how they can manage to be so monotonous and yet so stressful at the same time. Is there really any need for it aside from making your boss feel like you're earning your keep? Even if you need to lock in occasionally, there is always time for a nice, refreshing meme break to make the work day go faster. If those memes are work-related, you can even make the argument that looking at them on the clock is kind of productive.
Making an impression.
Every time.
Nothing is straightforward.
Put your back into it.
That's the way it goes.
It always seems appealing.
The only options.
Only 50 more years to go.
Great, thanks.
Gotta make a living.
Best of both worlds!
It's a struggle.
Not this.
Night night.