If you have PTO, using it shouldn't be an issue. Your company has already agreed on a certain amount of days you can take, so as long as you give a little bit of notice, they should have to give it to you. After all, why would they agree to it if they couldn't honor it? And it shouldn't matter what the days are for. You're allowed to use them however you'd like, whether it's to go on vacation or because a new video game is dropping and you want to be the first one to play it. But for important events, time off is even more essential.
But employers don't always honor what they initially set forth, like in this situation where a PTO request was denied over a year in advance. That's right, a year. I don't even know what I'll be doing next year, let alone what days I need off. So the fact that they were turned down is baffling. Read on for the story and see what you think.
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