Teenagers should not have adult responsibilities. I'm not saying that teens should never get a part-time job, learn how to drive, or help around the house. I just believe that they should only be responsible for their own schoolwork, chores, and jobs. One of the best things about being a young childless person is that you don't have to be responsible for anyone's life but your own. That's all well and good when you're 20 and living on your own, but if you're still a teenager, your parents can force you to take on the responsibilities of your siblings, whether that is just or not, and often it's not. It's common for teens to babysit for their younger siblings, but this story follows a teenage boy being held responsible for a sibling born the same day as him. While he's expected to be a grown-up, his sister can be a baby.
This image is for illustration only, and the subjects are models; the image does not depict the actual subjects of the story.