There is an episode in How I Met Your Mother where Marshall gets yelled at by his terrible boss, and he doesn't know how he should react. His friends all give him different advice, some saying he should ignore it, while others said he should kindly confront his boss and put him in his place. Eventually, Marshall unexpectedly explodes at his boss and screams back at him with everything he thinks of his job and the management, and at the end of this screaming fit, Marshall quits.
While it is just a TV show, many employees encounter moments like these in real life, where they just can't keep everything in, especially regarding their bosses. The employee in this Reddit story had considered doing exactly what Marshall did after they resigned. They sent their notice in an email to their boss, and after the boss asked them to reconsider, they debated whether they should give said terrible boss a piece of their minds.
Keep scrolling to read the full story. After you are done, click here for a story of a feud between a boss and a former employee over forgotten passwords.
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