Spooky season is officially over… but only if you want it to be. Every season is spooky season if you're a DnD player. While the rest of the plebians only allow themselves one day a year to indulge in the mystical and the magical, pretend to be otherworldly creatures, and give themselves over to the arcane… DnD players do that every week. We don't preclude our dalliances with demons to just the last week of October, no we're casting spells and cantrips every Tuesday night with our buddies.
It's good and healthy to let the mystical spill over into every aspect of your life. If you're only getting your heebie jeebies out one day a year, odds are you have buildup in your system. You need regular release of the spook in order to remain a sane citizen. You also need DnD memes once a week to keep you in touch with your powers.