Having a job is a requirement in today's society. In fact, having multiple jobs is kind of a requirement these days… So many are on that job hunting grind. That LinkedIn warriors kind of life, ya know? Every day you're checking your messages and crossing your fingers for a recruiter or some company's HR to give you a chance. Why not? You have the experience! Oh, but sorry, they need 30 years of experience for an entry level job. How is a 20-something-year-old supposed to get 30 years or experience?? Also, what's with the whole "just upload your resume!" but then they literally make you still type out everything that is on your resume? That is SO annoying. And cover letters. The BANE of anybody searching for a job's existence. Like, "here's a cute little love letter as to why you should love me back." Gross. Can we please just be professional and get back to memes?? Thank you.
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