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‘Free Kittens’: Kids Taking the Trash Out Find Box of Abandoned Kittens with Tragic Note, Adopt Odd-One-Out and Find a Home for the Rest

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  • Look what we found⚫ MEI UM KittENS FREE 19" x 14" x 17"
  • wined This Stray cat that would come to my Dook had babies under Look what we found
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  • Cheezburger Image 10419927808
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  • CAT TAX!

    Cheezburger Image 10419935744

    Here is a cat I stumbled upon that I immediately fell in love with. Its eyes say "skinwalker," but its everything else says PAWDORABLE. We know you have cute cat photos saved, whether they're of your cat or not. Share them with us, please! The more cat photos the better! 


Also From I Can Has Cheezburger?


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