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Welcome Hogwarts students, to another magical feast at The Great Hall (of memes)!
Here at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Memery, we provide the absolute best education to a young wizard, witch, or meme creator. For our first-year students, we offer introduction classes to the most important subjects any person in the wizarding world should know, such as Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, and History of Harry Potter Memes. All will provide with our young students the best tools for the magical world out there.
We also have some of the best and most gifted teachers here at our school–Wise Professor Dumbledore, cunning Professor McGonagall, and the unforgettable Success Kid. All here to pass along everything they have learned in their long and thriving years on this magical earth.
Since you are here at our feast, we decided to give you a little taste of what you'll be studying at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Memery, so do yourselves a favor and scroll down. After that, go ahead and click here for even more magical content to explore.