Supporting family in times of need is something you do out of love and a sense of familial obligation to that person—but even that has its limits. Although the person being supported might be in a hard place, it's still on them not to make their host too hard done by; you can't just go around making demands and being wildly entitled about everything in someone else's home. As someone who has uniquely been in this situation and forced to stay with family in a similar situation after a flooded home, it's not an easy time for anyone. But you do the best you can with the situation…
A couple of years back, the region where I live had a freak storm that dropped multiple months' worth of rain in the span of a couple of hours, causing a flash flood in the not-normally-flood-prone area where I lived that sent 14 feet of water into the second story of the house I was renting. The stress and the feeling of loss and displacement was something I'd never want to live through again—but my family was safe, which is something I'll always be thankful for.
Luckily, at this time, we had the support of family, an aunt and uncle took us in and let us live in their home for months while we found our feet again. A generous act that I never took lightly. I'm sure it was challenging for them at times to have us living in their home, which they usually had to themselves. But at no point would I even have considered leveling criticism at them for the way they lived their lives.
Unfortunately, this woman's sister didn't take that same approach, seeking to shape the host's life unnecessarily to her needs.
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