Would that I were a warlock. Life would be so much more interesting. Instead of sitting at a desk all day waiting for lunch to come, I would be practicing my spells and growing a long white beard. So much more enriching. While I'm on the subject, why do wizards and warlocks always have long white beards? Is there something in the bylaws that says you can't shave or else you'll lose all their powers? Maybe it's just a way to signal to each other who's in the in-group and who's in the out-group. Maybe it makes you look like you hold more wisdom, so you're inherently more trustworthy.
Or maybe they just do it because it looks pretty dang cool. You really can't deny that part of it. But whether you're a long-bearded warlock or a tiny tiny elf, these memes are for you… and the people who role-play you.