Nobody likes to be forgotten or left behind, whether on purpose or by total accident. When someone you know is organizing an event and you find out you are not invited, even if it was unintentional, it is such an awkward conversation to have that you often don't know how to approach it. What are you even supposed to say? "Hey, was I not invited because you don't want me there, or did you just completely forget I existed?"
However, if something like that does happen to you, it is still better to talk to someone about it than to completely ignore the problem. If you have a mutual friend who was invited, maybe you should ask them to approach the person holding the event and mention you were excluded. That might be the only approach that can save some embarrassment for both sides.
That is what most people suggest the employee in this Reddit story to do after they found out they are the only person in the office not invited to the company meeting. But for some reason, the employee had another idea in mind…
Keep scrolling to read the full story. After you are done, click here for a story of a Karen who got banned from a bakery after she tried to get free desserts.
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