If you're going to lie to a job recruiter, you should probably pick a skill that's hard to prove you're lying about. You could fib about your previous role, maybe fudging what you actually did a little bit. Or maybe you want to impress the recruiter, so you tell them you have more experience in your career field than you actually do. The point is, there are a lot of things you can easily lie about, but you'd better be super careful what that is, because once you're found out, you'll lose all credibility in their eyes.
Lying about how quickly you can type is extremely dumb. You can find out your own typing speed almost instantly with a quick Google search: there are tons of sites that let you prove how fast you really are with a free minute-long test. I tested my own typing skills, and I kid you not, this author can type 69 words per minute (nice!). These are thrilling and funny results! Try it for yourself if you think you can do better---it's basically impossible to cheat at this test. It's no wonder this person isn't getting their job, though… if they had been a little bit more reasonable with their lie, they totally could have gotten away with it.
Up next, one person was "cracking up at the audacity" of the 60+ sassy workers who decided to humiliate their boss in front of the company CEO, all because he took away their precious lunch hour.
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