After decades of dedication, this employee was blindsided by an unexpected meeting with her boss. Without any prior warning, she was given an ultimatum: retire or take severance. Either way, she was to be out of the office by next Monday. Shocked and hurt, she left the meeting feeling like she had no choice. Her coworkers, who had no idea what was happening, were confused when she suddenly left, so she decided to send them a heartfelt message explaining the situation. She told them, "I don't want to, but I have to retire."
Her coworkers were outraged on her behalf, furious that someone so dedicated could be pushed out so suddenly. In support, they rallied around her, sharing messages of solidarity. Meanwhile, people in the comments chimed in with advice, offering everything from legal guidance to words of encouragement. Sometimes, it takes a community to remind you of your worth, and this employee definitely had her former coworkers on her side.
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