This sounds harsh, but it's one of those lessons where the sooner you learn it in life, the better off you'll be. Success takes effort—and sustained effort at that. At a certain point, a certain amount of sustained effort is going to be an essential factor and determinant of whether you have an income that can support your continued existence and survival. That's not to say that it's the only thing that matters, but for most of us, it's an important starting point. Thus, this lesson holds value.
Still, as a parent, especially of a teenager, it's your responsibility to make sure that this lesson is being learned in a constructive way and that you're not allowing them to "not do anything," admonishing them for that fact. At that age, sign them up for something and make them seek out things that they enjoy or otherwise address the mental issues that might be at play.
Those are the important things in play in the post that this mother shared online, wondering whether or not she was in the wrong for telling her child "she needs to put some effort into something" when her 16-year-old daughter came to her saying that she felt it was unfair that she was never celebrated. Reactions were mixed, with many stating that she needed to step up and parent her child, while others said that while tough, her message was fair.
Have a read for yourself and see the original thread below, followed by selected responses from that same thread.
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