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Spicy foods exist in nature to deter foraging predators, but in the office world, this hot sauce aficionado learned that they can be used to fend off pests who are stealing your lunch.
After having your lunch stolen out of the communal fridge at work, any employee would be peeved. But after several wasted sandwiches, even the most level-headed worker would seek some sort of culinary justice. If you've worked all morning to prepare a lunch for yourself only to watch Michael, the lunch-stealing CPA in this next story, come and hijack your meal, you might just put a little TLC in your next sub to surprise him the primal way.
Keep scrolling to read how this worker used scorpion pepper powder, ranking at 2,000,000 on the Scoville scale, to deter the predatory office accountant from stealing everyone's lunches out of the fridge. After this, here's another tale of office revenge where a t-shirt and jeans tech support employee got payback against the suits upstairs.