Why is it, that signing up for a subscription is so much easier than canceling it? It's a money-grab tactic practiced by big corporations, where they are in most cases legally protected from folks demanding refunds left and right because they didn't read the fine print. Another tactic is giving consumers a free trial for a week, then failing to remind them that they're about to be billed X amount of dollars for the month or year. It's a headache and a half, especially when they revoke their subscription-tier services if you cancel before the trial period is up. What about certain corporations that have bugs in their apps that aren't fixed yet?
The original poster of this story had a friend who purchased a subscription on a dating app. After about a week, his friend was unable to cancel the subscription because the app was sending him in circles without completing the cancellation. Then, when his friend tries to speak to representatives on the matter, he's still sent in multiple directions in an attempt to cancel. The bug in the app is eventually fixed, but the friend is so peeved off at this point that he demands a refund for the period of time he was not using the app but was still getting billed for it. The company refuses, so he becomes the star of a $23M class action lawsuit, where he made out like a bandit with a stunning four-figure sum of cash. Scroll below to read the full story.
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