This employee was meant to feel like she made a mistake for considering the possibility of working somewhere else. That's how you know she's stuck in a messed-up work environment. It's probably for the best if she does, in fact, leave. However, she certainly should not give into the pressure to hand in a resignation letter. If her boss wants to fire her, then they need to fire her. The employee should not help make the process easier for her boss.
Why did the boss pressure the employee to resign instead? Well, that's simple. That's because the boss did not have justifiable reason to put to paper. The employee simply scheduled a job interview somewhere else and made the mistake of confiding in her supervisor about this, thinking they were close enough as mentor-mentee. Now, she has learned her lesson, but regardless, the boss is still very much at fault here for feeling so threatened that she felt the need to punish folks for wanting more. That's not how you create loyalty across your team.
For more stories like this, check out this post about another micromanager's comeuppance.
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