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When it comes to high school homecoming, the pressure nowadays can be intense, especially when it comes to public proposals and social media. For one freshman girl, that pressure came in the form of a boy asking her to homecoming in front of a big crowd during a football game. To make matters worse, his mom was recording the whole thing, eagerly pressing the poor girl for an answer on camera. Not wanting to hurt his feelings, she reluctantly said "yes" despite feeling uncomfortable.
In a small town, news travels fast, and her mom received the video before her daughter even made it home. Immediately, she could see the anxiety on her daughter's face and knew something wasn't right. She wasted no time stepping in—because no one should feel forced into a decision just because it's public, recorded, or posted online. This mom defended her daughter's right to say "no" and prioritized her comfort over the pressure to please others. Keep reading to see the boy's reaction after she told him no days later.
Like what you see? Find more hilarious women's memes and crazy stories on our Instagram @Cheezcake_Humor and more videos on our TikTok @cheezcaked