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Who doesn't want to have fun? If you are on a meme website and wholeheartedly believe that pursuing fun is futile, then you are lying to yourself. We might need industry, family, and modesty in specific contexts, but even the most devout pilgrims let themselves throw around the old pigskin from time to time! What's the point of working 12-hour days if you don't allow yourself to enjoy some of the fruits of your labor?
I don't think the idea that "fun is fun" is a scalding hot take, but most of us aren't that intentional about our fun. We go to that boring bar or restaurant that our friend wants to go to and don't even try to branch out into new avenues of leisure. This is your sign to make unique fun! Join an archery class! Attend an extremely unpopular minor league sports team game in your city! Spend the next 3 hours scrolling through random memes! The world is your oyster.