As much as we all look forward to getting on a plane and going on vacation, no one likes the first part of the journey to their destination—the airport lines. Not one person enjoys arriving at the airport two hours (at least) before their flight and moving from one line to another until they actually board their flight.
It is even more annoying when there is some holdup and you end up standing in one line forever, which is what happened to the passenger in this story. They had to wait for around an hour to check in their bags, all because of one entitled family who demanded to check in 16 bags. That family ended up not only creating a huge line, but actually delaying the flight since the airline needed more time to check everybody in after them. Then, they continued to cause a commotion on the flight itself when they were not all seated together.
Keep scrolling to read the full story. After you are done, click here for a story of a manager who texted their employee at 2 AM demanding they come to work.
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This image is for illustration only, and the subjects are models; the image does not depict the actual subjects of the story.
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