There are so many underrated Disney gems that have been long forgotten. Would you believe me if I told you that there was a Disney movie about a horse who played football? If not, you've got a fantastic Disney+ watch ahead of you. I bet you'd scoff and roll your eyes if you heard that there was a sequel to The Shaggy Dog about a man who was running for District Attorney cursed with a shaggy affliction called The Shaggy D.A.? Well, I'm here to tell you that Disney was much more willing to make weird live-action movies for kids in the 70s. These days, people call movies like The Little Mermaid (2023) flops because they only make $569 million at the box office. I wish Disney could make low-budget live-action comedies again, but that ship has beyond sailed. If you long for the Disney of your childhood, these Disney memes might bring you back.