If there is one valuable thing that anyone should learn from a romantic misadventure, it's that most relationships that don't work out the first time probably aren't going to be much better when you try them again. Sure, there are the Ben Afflecks and J.Los of the world for whom the ups and downs of breaking and making up are what makes the relationship so special but much as many wish it wasn't true, the case of 'right person, wrong time' is not all that common in happy endings.
That doesn't stop people from being delusionally hopeful, though, as one individual decided to share on Twitter recently. Revealing a text exchange between himself and a woman who had previously told him that she wished she could have met him several years after they actually met, her response to this impromptu catchup was definitely not what he wanted to hear. It's fair to say the internet had mixed reactions on this one, many of them being along the lines of sometimes your relationship failures don't need to be broadcast everywhere.