If you're a college student studying hard this semester and you plan on spending a lot of your time parked at your university coffee shop, beware of folks who might think that their inconveniences are something you have to remedy and resolve. You decided to go to college to worry about your next exam, not about Karens. Last time I checked, coffee shops are for folks who want to read, work, chat up a stranger, or study—especially if it's right next to your college campus.
Have you ever witnessed presumed regulars at certain establishments? Have you noticed that they feel like they're entitled to their favorite table? How about expecting a stranger to move all of their studying materials because they want to sit outside, just not in the sun?
The student in this story dealt with two Karens who asked her to get up and move tables so they could park where she was sitting. They didn't just ask once, either. After the student puts her foot down and declines their inquiry, they look as if the student "personally insulted them." So, instead of sitting inside (since the waitress can't make clouds move in front of the sun), the two ladies left. The original poster (OP) is baffled at their blatant entitlement.
Scroll to read the whole story, and additionally, some comments from folks doubling down on the OP's surprise.
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