Anyone who has ever had a dog knows that they are family. We love to spoil them with treats, gadgets, and quality time. They become our little precious things to spoil, and we're rewarded with endless love, affection, and belly scratches. It's a pretty good system for them. They don't have to do much and they get all their needs taken care of. But it's a privilege to love a dog, and you wouldn't trade it for the world. But as anyone who has ever had a dog also knows, they can be expensive to keep up with. They require food, toys, and medical bills the likes of which are unimaginable to a non pet owner.
So, if you won the lottery, odds are some of that might go toward your furry friend. But what the man in this story asked of his girlfriend was… beyond normal. Dogs don't need trust funds. Read on for the story.
This image is for illustration only, and the subjects are models; the image does not depict the actual subjects of the story