Your family should always come first in your priorities. Having said that, is it your duty as a family member to encourage and assist them in all of their endeavors, no matter how foolish they may be?
The story below is an account of a frustrated sister. The original poster (OP) worked very hard to ensure that she lived in a beautiful house and had a nice life. Her sister, on the other hand, made the decision to travel with her entire fortune and even sold her house to earn the additional cash. But now, years later, the sister is begging OP to provide her and her family (husband and two children) with a place to live since she is unable to continue living the nomadic lifestyle that she has fought so hard to maintain. OP, who adores her sister, refuses to host her family for free because she doesn't think she should have to bear the consequences of her brother-in-law's and sister's poor choices.
That being said, be sure to read the story below if you're interested in finding out how the sister reacted when OP declined to provide her with free housing! After you're through, don't forget to read the story of the man who kicks out his aunt during a storm after she criticizes his home, only for her to return seeking shelter!
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