For some reason, it almost always seems like your Wi-Fi signal at home is the strongest in the least convenient places, and it leaves you wondering if wireless technology is really so great anyway. Like why does the corner of my kitchen, which should be one of the furthest points from my router, have some of the strongest connections?
It might also occur that you happen to visit your neighbor's house next door only to notice that your phone is still connected to your wifi and receiving a better connection than it does in your own office or bedroom. Leading you to wonder whether those unfamiliar devices on your network might have been your neighbors all along.
No matter how inconsistent it might be, keeping your network security tight is always the best practice, and keeping the default password set is definitely not the way to do this. The last thing you want is to find your network hijacked by your neighbor who has a bone to pick with you because your loud parties and general disrespectful behavior have kept them awake…
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Image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Image is for illustration only and subjects are models.
Image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Image is for illustration only and subjects are models.
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