It's that time again! Except you wouldn't know because you have no concept of time. And why should you? It's a manmade concept and all you need to do to survive is eat, sleep, and be merry. Sure, our society forces us to be "on time" for things like work and… Work. But what's a few extra minutes or 30, huh? You told your friends 9-ish. "ISH!" That can mean anytime 9 or after. Everybody knows that. All that matters is that you eventually get there. Better late than never, is what they say! What time is it rn?… I don't know, my watch broke (4 years ago…), but I do know you're on this page filled with silly little memes about you and/or a friend always being late that will make you LOL. So why not take the time to scroll through them? You're always on time for memes.